Paul D. Morris, M.Div., Ph.D.
"I have chosen to follow your precepts.."

Choices. As soon as my feet hit the floor -- every single morning of my life -- I am faced with . . . choices. Some significant, some not so significant. Choices that range from what I will have for breakfast, to choices that may dramatically affect my life, and the lives of others, forever.

Some of these choices are which battles I have to fight today. Sometimes you have no choice. Sometimes battles are imposed; forced upon you. But in a relatively peaceful environment, such as that which we have enjoyed here in America, we make our own choices. We choose our battles. Choices. We all make them. Some good. Some not so good.

The choices to follow the values of God are always and forever, good. The "values of God" include more than those specific values we find in the ten commandments and elsewhere in the Bible. You and I were created in his Image. That is a value as well. It is a magnificent value in and of itself. And if, in his image, also in his purpose. One who chooses the values of God always makes choices consistent with those values. Choices sifted through the Person, Character, and teachings of Jesus.

In politics, I am not a 'Democrat,' or a 'Republican,' or even an 'Independent.' I vote for an individual, one of the persons nominated for office. Because the values of God are always good, morally judicious, and eternal, I vote for the person I perceive as most consistent with these values.

The more our nation is led by character developed through the values of God, the more like God our nation will become.

These are important choices.

-- PDM
