Singular and Uncommon
Paul D. Morris, M.Div., Ph.D.

Make them singular and uncommon

Singular and uncommon? How so? How are we who claim to follow Jesus to be perceived as set apart? Singular and uncommon? Is this a good thing?

Jesus is about to be glorified. That is, he is about to be exalted to the right hand of God where he sits in authority over all creation.

So, on this night, he prays for his disciples and for those who would believe through the message he gave them. It appears that when Jesus offered this prayer, he was thinking of you. He was thinking of us all.

The disciples who believed in Jesus while he engaged society in his time on earth, were ordinary men and women. Fishermen, politicians, tax-collectors, prostitutes, even members of the Sanhedrin and many others who populated his life. Ordinary people who went about doing ordinary things.

So how is it that they became "singular and uncommon?"

They believed. And in believing, they loved.

I had the distinct privilege of knowing a man I deeply admired. He is with Jesus now, but I knew him well enough to be guided by his counsel. He was a man of uncommon grace, humility and love. His name was Richard (Dick) Halverson, pastor of the great Fourth Presbyterian Church just outside Washington, D.C., and Chaplain of the United States Senate, where he ministered to the needs of the senators and their families. He sat on and chaired the Board of Directors for World Vision, Inc., one of the largest and most effective Christian charities in existence. He was a man immensely respected by all who knew him. He is also the most humble man I think I have ever met.

I think of Dick in writing this piece because he is an outstanding example of how God will honor a man whose heart is truly humble. Dick was, in himself, an ordinary man, and I think, he knew it. He did not think himself more than he was, yet his life and ministry touched the lives of thousands. The spiritual power emanating from this man brought him into the service of Almighty God. Through his gentleness and humility, he became singular and uncommon.

That is an honor of unimaginable proportions. It is all any of us can hope for. And yes, indeed, it is a good thing.

As Dick knew, and as we all must surmise, he was never singular and uncommon in and of himself. God made him that way owing to the genuineness of his faith, his honest heart, and yes, his humility. He was a man whose life influenced those whose decisions impacted a great nation. He had their ear. His was not the ministry of a perfunctory prayer in the Senate sessions. He counseled them when called upon, he comforted their families in time so great stress. He was a friend, regardless of political affiliation. He was, in a credible sense, the nation’s pastor.

Some think that in order to become singular and uncommon, one must aim for it, have ambition for it, plan for it and implement it. Nothing could be further from the truth. One does not arrive at singularity and uncommonness by seeking it. It just happens in the normal and routine course of service to Christ and to others. Nor is it an award, or reward. It is the natural outgrowth of worship in service to others. It is, in a word, the fruit of the Spirit.

-- PDM
