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Paul D. Morris
M.Div., Ph.D.

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Teacher | Seminar Leader

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A Word for the Uninitiated

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Memories of a Forgotten Jesus

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"The Justus Scrolls")

Memories of a Forgotten Jesus

The Walking Stick

Access 'The Walking Stick'

"All real saints are fashioned in the crucible of God. They are broken -- even crushed -- between mortar and pestle; their softness changed to granite, from which God fashions monuments of magnificence." -- Calvin Miller

. . . on seeing Him who is invisible

You are about to expose yourself to what I believe . . .

Get Ready to Soar!

Letters to Lizzie Mae

Daisy Inspirations

Stories and Stuff

The Garden of Grace

It is said that Adam heard the voice of God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. One may safely assume that long before 'the fall,' it was the habit of Adam and God to enjoy each other's company in this way. You are invited to join them.

Perhaps you, too, will hear the voice of God.

The Rains of Grace